
Cursos Gratis Avalados por Infotep

¡Impulsa tu futuro con nosotros! Contamos con cursos disponibles avalados por INFOTEP, diseñados para potenciar tus habilidades y crecimiento profesional. ¡Inscríbete y da el siguiente paso en tu desarrollo!

Cursos Disponibles

Duración 200 horas ( 2 meses)


• Tener 16 años de edad o más 

• Copia de la cédula 

• Copia del certificado de octavo curso aprobado 

   (segundo año del primer ciclo de secundaria 

Produced by Eduma

You bring the content and Eduma makes it happen. This will be the beginning of a project we'll do together, side by side.

Share and grow with the community

Inspire and get inspired alongside other creatives. Eduma is a community with millions of creatives who are eager to learn.

Your creativity is golden

Harness your passion. Create a course for thousands of people around the world and generate an income stream with your creative knowledge.

Ready to teach a course?

There are millions of people out there who want to learn from creatives like you. If you love to teach and share what you know, Eduma is a unique place to do just that.

become a teacher
¡Por favor, conéctate para enviar tu solicitud!